Monday and Tuesday had all my grands nothing done in the sewing room..........
Wed. Had a doctor appointment in the big city of Louisville, Ky.. me and my hubby also got our flu shot. We took little fellow with us and he was good for us.... Came back to Elizabethown area and done some shopping and had lunch.........
Today ,just don't know what I will get into to today. Might make some snowman's nose for my snowmen that I will be making, also need to make a block on my quilt. I will bring my mother in law up here for the after noon and tonight for awhile to give my sister in law a change to go home and them for their bowling night.........
My thinking for today is to get a lot done, but my mind tell me not today!
This is all i got to say for today hope all will have a great day and get get allot done!
From The Quilting Quarters!
7 hours ago
Wether you get a lot done or not, have a good day.