Saturday, February 13, 2010

in my sewing room--------------A Sauaturday night!

I have all of my grandchildren to night, well 5 out of 7, The older one is at home and the younger is also at home, I have a 10 yrs, two, 9yrs and a 7 yrs and a 3 yrs old so it has been kind of busy. I haven't post in a few day, just been busy with everyday thing. I do get some sewing done everyday ,this week I made a pageant casual wear size 4-5 it will be listed on eBay, if you want ,take a look at it.Here it is ,going to be a Sunday again ,it sure does get here in a hurry ,the older I get it seem like the days goes faster, LOL. When we was young ,the time when real slow, we couldn't wait for a week in to get here. But any way, I just wish I could get my pictures on here, it just seem like my daughter is busy and doesn't have time to do it for me. maybe some sometime I will have a better computer and will be able to do this,, hope so .WE are suppose to get more snow Sunday Monday And Tuesday, I am so ready for SPRING, I'm glad we don't have the big snow that other states has got, but we have enough. I hope every one have a blessful Sunday and a very happy valentines day. HAPPY BLOGGING!ROMANS; 11 verse -36 For all things were created by him, and all things exist through him and for him. To God be the glory forever! AMEN.

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