My Sunday didn't go to good, we had little cupcake and she had a virus and was sick all night, on Sunday morning I started to cook dinner and i was peeling apples to fried and hear a big pop, i had turn the wrong burner on and had a glass dish of brownies setting on the burning and the brownies caught a fire and the glass when every where, it was a mess, glass was in the meat loaf that i had made to put in the oven, my granddaughter Mattie was eating her breakfast and she jump up to help me to get this mess clean up. she laugh and said well these brownies are sure done!! Well the mess was clean up and I thought i would start to cook again and then i said why am i Doing this, there was not going to be any one here today, because the family has other plans and my mother in law want be here because of the virus. I didn't go to church but my hubby did and Josie our granddaughter, so after church he took
then to MacDonald and they enjoy that!!! This was my Sunday.....
Monday was a good day got some trim work painted and ready to put down, all of the flooring is down and I will be painting the family room so when this is done I will be back working on the bathroom, we will have to replace the commode because it have crack. I have began to work some in the sewing room to get stuff put back in it place and is coming together real good.....Monday night when to the girls basket ball game, got to feeling bad there, and BAM! I had the virus so on Tuesday my hubby, grandson, and the older daughter and me all had the virus. Little fellow had it Sunday and Monday.
Today Tuesday, feeling better but the real good, but will get back painting some, i just need to get this all done, when from just redoing the sewing room to doing most of the house. I t will finally all be done and will be glad.
A verse for today Psalms 64 verse 10 All righteous people will rejoice because of what the Lord has done. They will find safety in him, all good people will praise him.
Have a great day and hope know one get this ole virus that is going around!!!!!!
From The Quilting Quarters!
11 minutes ago